
4 Simple Truths a Girl Should Know About Her Guy

It’s well known and a joke among many that men and women seem to be from different planets. They think different and have a different way of seeing things. An example would be the difference in their emotional actions and reasoning.

What sometimes happens is you might get upset over something your guy said. You may have taken what he said wrong only because of the way it came across when he really meant no harm. This could leave you giving him the silent treatment and your guy wondering what the heck happened.

When a relationship get this way there is a lot of tension and the arguments and fighting start. Fortunately it does not have to be like that. When you figure out some simple truths about men then you will be able to better figure them out and that can make your relationship a lot less stressful. Below are some tips to get you started.

1. It may not make sense but your guy loves you just the way you are. But, he would really like you to never change from the person you were when he first met you. As we get older and become comfortable in our relationships we can start to take each other for granted and lose some of who we once were.

2. Have you ever asked him what he was thinking about and he says nothing? You may believe there is no way he is thinking about nothing but the truth is it can be true. He is not hiding anything from you or not sharing his thoughts. He is just in his own world not worrying about things at that moment.

3. Men have a different way of displaying their love to their girlfriends, wives and family. They may have a deep love for them but you won’t see it out in the open as you would with women. They are more internal with their feeling so it can be deceiving at times. Don’t expect him to tell you how much he loves you every day but you can be sure the love is there.

4. Even though he would like to see you the same as when you first met, he also does not want to change himself. He would be happy to sit in his favorite chair each night, resist exercising or fight the temptation to improve his diet. So if you start to push him to make changes you may see him putting up some resistance.

Once you have a grasp of these simple things about men you may be able to navigate your relationship a bit better. Let’s hope you will gain a renewed appreciation and your relationship grows stronger.

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